So here Is the base color wheel that you can look back to. There are much more complex ones you can use but for now let is go with the simple for this section of the terms referring to colors.
Analogous Colors are any group of related colors near each other on a color wheel such as red, orange and yellow.
Colors that are directly across from one another on the color wheel are complementary and provide its opposite the greatest chromatic contrast like purple and yellow are in this example.
These colors are the main colors that cannot be made by mixing other colors and when mixed with each other can make all other colors. These colors are Red, Blue and Yellow. (simple to find on this color wheel.)
These colors are made when two primary colors are mixed in equal proportions. These include Green, Orange, and Purple. (These are conveniently place between the primary colors on the color wheel like the universe was conspiring to make my job a little easier today!)
Along with being a really hard word to type this means colors that are made by mixing two of the secondary colors. Do you see a pattern yet? (These are also conveniently placed between their respective secondary colors to make life easy.)
There is a lack of balance or symmetry in things that have this. They are not even.
This one should be obvious. There is balance in things that have this and are even.